Select The Following Statement That Describes Non-Overlapping Events

Select the following statement that describes non-overlapping events – In probability theory, non-overlapping events play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of random variables and outcomes. This article explores the concept of non-overlapping events, their properties, applications, and comparison with overlapping events.

Non-overlapping events are mutually exclusive events that cannot occur simultaneously. They represent scenarios where the occurrence of one event eliminates the possibility of the other.

Definition of Non-Overlapping Events

Non-overlapping events are events that have no outcomes in common. In other words, if one event occurs, it is impossible for the other event to occur.

Examples of non-overlapping events include:

  • Rolling a 1 on a die and rolling a 6 on a die
  • Drawing a heart from a deck of cards and drawing a spade from a deck of cards
  • Flipping a coin and getting heads and flipping a coin and getting tails

The mathematical notation used to represent non-overlapping events is the union symbol (U). For example, the following expression represents the event of rolling a 1 or a 6 on a die:

P(1 U 6)

Properties of Non-Overlapping Events

Select the following statement that describes non-overlapping events

Non-overlapping events have the following properties:

  • The probability of the union of two non-overlapping events is equal to the sum of the probabilities of the individual events.
  • The probability of the intersection of two non-overlapping events is 0.

These properties can be used to calculate the probability of events that are not mutually exclusive. For example, the probability of rolling a 1, 2, or 3 on a die is:

P(1 U 2 U 3) = P(1) + P(2) + P(3) = 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/2

Applications of Non-Overlapping Events

Select the following statement that describes non-overlapping events

Non-overlapping events are used in a variety of real-world applications, including:

  • Reliability engineering:Non-overlapping events can be used to model the failure of components in a system.
  • Medical diagnosis:Non-overlapping events can be used to model the presence or absence of a disease.
  • Quality control:Non-overlapping events can be used to model the acceptance or rejection of products.

For example, in reliability engineering, non-overlapping events can be used to model the failure of two components in a system. If the two components are independent, then the probability of both components failing is equal to the product of the probabilities of the individual components failing.

Comparison with Overlapping Events: Select The Following Statement That Describes Non-overlapping Events

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Non-overlapping events are different from overlapping events in that overlapping events can have outcomes in common. For example, the event of rolling a 1 on a die and the event of rolling an even number on a die are overlapping events because the outcome of 1 is both a 1 and an even number.

The following table summarizes the key differences between non-overlapping events and overlapping events:

Characteristic Non-Overlapping Events Overlapping Events
Outcomes in common No Yes
Probability of union Sum of probabilities Not equal to the sum of probabilities
Probability of intersection 0 Not equal to 0


What is the key difference between non-overlapping and overlapping events?

Non-overlapping events cannot occur simultaneously, while overlapping events can.

How are non-overlapping events represented mathematically?

Non-overlapping events are represented using the union symbol (U), indicating that the probability of their combined occurrence is the sum of their individual probabilities.

What are some real-world applications of non-overlapping events?

Non-overlapping events are used in various fields, such as reliability engineering, risk assessment, and quality control.