Roots Prefixes And Suffixes Lesson 1 Answer Key

Roots prefixes and suffixes lesson 1 answer key – The Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes Lesson 1 Answer Key provides a comprehensive guide to understanding how prefixes and suffixes alter the meaning of root words. This lesson delves into the definitions, functions, and applications of prefixes and suffixes, empowering learners to expand their vocabulary and enhance their comprehension skills.

By analyzing the answer key, students will gain insights into the specific prefixes and suffixes covered in the lesson. They will learn how these affixes modify the meaning of root words, enabling them to decipher complex words and expand their vocabulary.

Understanding Prefixes and Suffixes: Roots Prefixes And Suffixes Lesson 1 Answer Key

Prefixes and suffixes are affixes, or word parts, that are added to the beginning or end of a word to change its meaning. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word, while suffixes are added to the end of a word.

Both prefixes and suffixes can change the part of speech of a word, as well as its meaning.

Prefixes and suffixes are an important part of the English language. They allow us to create new words from existing words, and they can also change the meaning of words. For example, the prefix “un-” means “not,” so the word “unhappy” means “not happy.”

The suffix “-ly” means “in a manner,” so the word “quickly” means “in a quick manner.”

Analyzing the Lesson 1 Answer Key, Roots prefixes and suffixes lesson 1 answer key

The Lesson 1 Answer Key covers the following prefixes and suffixes:

  • Prefix “un-” (not)
  • Suffix “-ly” (in a manner)
  • Prefix “re-” (again)
  • Suffix “-ment” (action or result)

These prefixes and suffixes can be used to change the meaning of root words. For example, the root word “happy” can be changed to “unhappy” by adding the prefix “un-“. The root word “quick” can be changed to “quickly” by adding the suffix “-ly”.

Applying Prefixes and Suffixes

Prefixes and suffixes can be used to modify the meaning of different root words. Here is a table that demonstrates how prefixes and suffixes can be used to change the meaning of the root word “write”:

Prefix/Suffix Meaning Example
un- not unwritten
re- again rewrite
-ly in a manner writely
-ment action or result writment

Prefixes and suffixes are an important part of vocabulary development. They allow us to create new words from existing words, and they can also change the meaning of words. Understanding prefixes and suffixes can help us to expand our vocabulary and to better understand the meaning of words.

Practice Exercises

1. Identify the prefix or suffix in each of the following words:

  • unhappy
  • quickly
  • rewrite
  • writment

2. Use a prefix or suffix to change the meaning of the following words:

  • happy
  • quick
  • write

3. Create a sentence using each of the words you created in exercise 2.

Extensions and Applications

Prefixes and suffixes are used in a variety of fields, including science, medicine, and literature. For example, the prefix “bio-” means “life,” so the word “biology” means “the study of life.” The suffix “-itis” means “inflammation,” so the word “arthritis” means “inflammation of the joints.”

Understanding prefixes and suffixes can help us to better understand the meaning of words in a variety of fields. It can also help us to create new words and to expand our vocabulary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of prefixes and suffixes?

Prefixes and suffixes are affixes that are added to the beginning or end of root words to modify their meaning.

How do prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of words?

Prefixes and suffixes can change the meaning of words by adding specific meanings, such as negation, intensity, or location.

Why is it important to understand prefixes and suffixes?

Understanding prefixes and suffixes is crucial for expanding vocabulary, improving reading comprehension, and enhancing overall language proficiency.