Name Each Of The Following Alkenes

Name each of the following alkenes embarks on a fascinating journey into the realm of organic chemistry, unveiling the intricacies of naming these essential compounds with precision and clarity.

Delving into the fundamental concepts of alkene structure, IUPAC nomenclature rules, and their wide-ranging applications, this guide equips readers with a comprehensive understanding of this vital class of hydrocarbons.


Alkenes are a class of organic compounds that contain one or more carbon-carbon double bonds. The carbon atoms in the double bond are sp 2hybridized, and the double bond consists of one sigma bond and one pi bond. Alkenes are typically unsaturated hydrocarbons, meaning that they have fewer hydrogen atoms than the corresponding alkane.

Examples of Alkenes

  • Ethene (ethylene)
  • Propene (propylene)
  • Butene (butylene)
  • Pentene (pentylene)
  • Hexene (hexylene)

General Formula for Alkenes

The general formula for alkenes is C nH 2n, where n is the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. For example, the general formula for an alkene with 5 carbon atoms is C 5H 10.

IUPAC Nomenclature of Alkenes

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has established a set of rules for naming alkenes, ensuring uniformity and clarity in chemical communication.

According to IUPAC nomenclature, alkenes are named based on the following principles:

  • The root name of the alkene is derived from the number of carbon atoms in the parent chain.
  • The suffix “-ene” is added to the root name to indicate the presence of a double bond.
  • The location of the double bond is specified by a number indicating the carbon atom at which the double bond begins.
  • If there are multiple double bonds, the suffix “-diene”, “-triene”, etc., is used, and the locations of all double bonds are specified.

Examples of IUPAC Names for Alkenes

  • Ethene: C 2H 4
  • Propene: C 3H 6
  • But-2-ene: C 4H 8
  • Pent-3-ene: C 5H 10
  • Hex-4-ene: C 6H 12

Importance of IUPAC Nomenclature

IUPAC nomenclature provides a systematic and unambiguous way to name alkenes, facilitating communication among chemists and ensuring that everyone is referring to the same compound.

Physical Properties of Alkenes: Name Each Of The Following Alkenes

Alkenes are hydrocarbons that contain at least one carbon-carbon double bond. They are typically colorless gases or liquids at room temperature, and they have a characteristic odor. Alkenes are generally less dense than water and are insoluble in water.

Boiling Points and Melting Points

The boiling points and melting points of alkenes increase with increasing molecular weight. This is because the stronger van der Waals forces between the larger molecules require more energy to overcome. The table below compares the physical properties of different alkenes.|

Alkene | Boiling Point (°C) | Melting Point (°C) ||—|—|—|| Ethene |

  • 103.7 |
  • 169.1 |

| Propene |

  • 47.6 |
  • 185.2 |

| Butene |

  • 6.3 |
  • 138.3 |

| Pentene | 30.1 |

138.3 |


Alkenes are insoluble in water. This is because water molecules are polar, while alkenes are nonpolar. Polar molecules are attracted to each other, while nonpolar molecules are not.

Factors Affecting Physical Properties

The physical properties of alkenes are affected by several factors, including:* Molecular weight

  • Degree of branching
  • Presence of functional groups

Molecular weight has the greatest effect on the physical properties of alkenes. As molecular weight increases, the boiling point, melting point, and density of the alkene increase.The degree of branching also affects the physical properties of alkenes. Branched alkenes have lower boiling points and melting points than unbranched alkenes.

This is because the branched structure makes it more difficult for the molecules to pack together closely.The presence of functional groups can also affect the physical properties of alkenes. Functional groups are atoms or groups of atoms that are attached to the carbon-carbon double bond.

Functional groups can make alkenes more polar, which can increase their solubility in water.

Chemical Reactions of Alkenes

Alkenes are highly reactive compounds due to the presence of a carbon-carbon double bond. They undergo a wide range of chemical reactions, including addition, substitution, and polymerization.

Addition Reactions

Addition reactions involve the addition of atoms or groups of atoms to the double bond, resulting in the formation of a single bond between each carbon atom in the double bond.

  • Hydrogenation:Addition of hydrogen gas (H 2) in the presence of a metal catalyst (e.g., Pd, Pt) to form an alkane.
  • Halogenation:Addition of a halogen (e.g., Cl 2, Br 2) to form a vicinal dihalide.
  • Hydrohalogenation:Addition of a hydrogen halide (e.g., HCl, HBr) to form an alkyl halide.
  • Hydration:Addition of water (H 2O) in the presence of an acid catalyst (e.g., H 2SO 4) to form an alcohol.
  • Epoxidation:Addition of an oxygen atom (O) to form an epoxide.

Substitution Reactions

Substitution reactions involve the replacement of one of the hydrogen atoms on the double bond with another atom or group of atoms.

  • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution:Reaction with an electrophile (e.g., H +, NO 2+) to form a substituted alkene.
  • Free Radical Substitution:Reaction with a free radical (e.g., Cl , Br ) to form a substituted alkene.

Polymerization Reactions, Name each of the following alkenes

Polymerization reactions involve the formation of long chains of repeating units by the linking together of multiple alkene molecules.

  • Addition Polymerization:Addition of multiple alkene molecules to form a polymer with the same repeating unit.
  • Condensation Polymerization:Reaction of two different alkene molecules to form a polymer with alternating repeating units.

Applications of Alkenes

Alkenes are versatile compounds that find widespread applications in everyday life. Their unique chemical properties make them essential components in various industries, including plastics, fuels, and solvents.


Alkenes are the building blocks of many plastics, which are ubiquitous in modern society. Polyethylene, made from the alkene ethylene, is used in a vast array of products, from plastic bags and bottles to toys and car parts. Polypropylene, derived from propylene, is another important plastic with applications in packaging, automotive components, and medical devices.


Alkenes are major components of gasoline and diesel fuel. They provide energy when burned in internal combustion engines. The octane number of gasoline, a measure of its resistance to knocking, is determined by the proportion of branched alkenes in the fuel.

Higher octane fuels burn more efficiently, reducing engine damage and improving performance.


Alkenes are excellent solvents for organic compounds. They are used in a wide range of applications, including paint thinners, dry cleaning fluids, and degreasers. Their ability to dissolve nonpolar substances makes them effective cleaning agents for oils, greases, and other organic materials.

Environmental and Health Implications

While alkenes are essential for many industrial processes, their use also raises environmental and health concerns. Alkenes can contribute to air pollution when released into the atmosphere, reacting with other pollutants to form harmful compounds such as ozone and smog.

Additionally, some alkenes, such as benzene, are known carcinogens and can pose health risks when inhaled or ingested.

Answers to Common Questions

What is the general formula for alkenes?


How do you determine the priority of functional groups when naming alkenes?

Priority is assigned based on atomic number, degree of unsaturation, and alphabetical order.

What is the suffix used for naming alkenes?


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